I was very lucky to have my host families. I learnt very important things at each house. Everyone taught me Japanese. Every single day in Japan, I learn something new, a phrase, or a word or grammar. I learn it through listening to conversations, sometimes I am concentrating so hard that I don’t listen to what they are talking about, just listening for Japanese practice.
I loved practicing Japanese with my host families. It was not just learning, it was fun and something we could do together. Everyone was always patient, and explained it clearly to me.
My host brother taught me some fantastic Japanese, but I will not say it here. I think my best Japanese teacher was my little host sister!! If I was wrong she would tell me!! She was merciless!!
Japanese and Australian manners differ greatly. That was not something I had prepared for. So I have learnt all I know from those around me. At school I learnt from my friends and classmates how to behave at school, from how to address a teacher, to how to keep a PURIKURA collection. And yes, I am still slow, and late for appointments, but I understand the Japanese way!!
There is also a huge range of manners in everyday life that I had to become accustomed to. In Australia we use knives and forks and eat from one plate. I remember my first host grandmother teaching me how to pick up a rice bow l properly, and how to eat Japanesestyle from many different dishes. And that has been one of the most important lessons I have learnt, every time I eat, I remember that.
At Watanabe-sans place, I took IKEBANA and SADOU classes, where I learnt very formal and Japanese manners. I enjoyed taking these classes not only because it taught me a lot about Japanese culture and customs, but I also met many wonderful people and attended various shows and parties. Host families also taught me a lot without meaning to. Living with these people everyday, we had many great conversations and jokes and stories. Like my own parents and family would in Australia, my host parents and families here also taught me about life and the world. Those things are probably the most important for my life. These are also the memories I will never forget. Despite being a little hard and daunting to change host families. it was also a very exciting time of my year. Every family was so different, there was always something new to ask about and to be taught. At my first host family we would talk until late at night, and I loved the whole family being there. I enjoyed cooking with my host mother and sister at my second host family. At my third host family we liked to watch television together after dinner. And the best thing was playing with my host sisters and brothers. They became like my own brothers and sisters. I wish I could take them home with me, just like I wanted to take my brother and sister to Japan. When I signed up for the rotary program, I didn’t really know what it was. I just knew I could go to Japan. Difference between typical exchange student image and the real thing The rotary program is very special. Not only all the organization they do for you, school and host families and payments, but also the rotary trips and orientations. Meeting the other exchange students has been a wonderful experience. They are very important people in my life now. When we meet it is like the United Nations. We respect each other and the beliefs and customs and cultures of our countries, but we can discuss them openly too. I love talking to the others, about Christmas or war or music or Japan, and learning so much about other countries while having fun. これから、I will return to Australia and graduate high school. After that I intend to go to university, but at the moment, my big dream is to travel the world. I never had that dream before I came here. I am so excited about the future and what I can do in my lifetime.
2620 地区交換留学生たちはとっておもしろいですよ。すごく楽しいときだけではなくて、世界のしゅうかんと文化の勉強になります。アメリカとドイツとベルギーとメキシコとクロアチアとカナダとブラジル人々からたくさんことをまなべました。今年、日本に来なかったら、こういうことをぜんぜん知らないです。しょうらいにその国に行っても、おしえもらわないと思います。これから、オーストラリアに帰ったら、高校からそつぎょうします。その後、大学に入るつもりですけど、私の夢は世界中で旅行したいです。たくさん学んで、けいけんして、世界のりかいをふかくしたいです。日本に来る前に、何も夢がなかったんです。今年のけいかんがありましたので、いろいろな夢を作れるようになりました。本当に楽しみにしています。このプログラムはとてもすばらしいプログラムですので、みなさんのりかいと、きょうりょくをぜひおねがいいたします。このすばらしいきかいをあたえて、いただき心からかんしゃしています。ありがとうございました。
会報委員長:戸栗 太平